Wednesday, May 09, 2012

POSSESSIVE NOUN - Appostrophe -(')

Possessive Noun - Apostrophe (')
Apostrtophe is the word used when a single quote is raised (') and is generally used with s and other letters like  - s, m, re, etc. It's, that's, I'm,You're etc.
When the 's (Apostrophe 's) is used with a name of the person say Mohan's, Jhon's, Sherly's, Ann's etc, they are proper nouns with 's, it denotes the possessive noun - the subject. Meaning that Mohan, Jhon, Sherly etc. owns or possesses or has control over the object which is followed after the 's.
This is Ann's car. ( Meaning - The car is owned by ANN) and NOT ANN has many cars.
Jhon's book is torn. ( Meaning - The book of Jhon is torn)
When 's is used with the plural nouns like Books, Cars etc. the apostrophe s  then BECOMES LIKE THIS s', denoting the plural nature of the noun cars,books, doors, etc.
Example : (Plural)
These are Anns' cars. (use of words 'ARE' and "CARS"  plural nature and the apostrophe s is Ann,s )  - Ann has many cars.
Jhons' books are covered with brown paper (use of words "BOOKS" and "ARE" Jhons' - denoting the plural nature)  - Books of Jhon are covered with brown paper( all books of Jhon)
Use of Short Method to write:

It is hot milk
  - can be written -   It's hot milk (It's - short form for It is )
There is a heavy discount sale in the city mall - can be written - There's a heavy discount sale in the city mall ( There's - short for There is)
We were late when we arrived at the airport  - can be written - We're late when we arrived at the airport ( We're - short for we were)
They are arriving tomorrow with her daughter - can be written - They're arriving tomorrow with her daughter (They're - short for They are)
Appostrophe (‘): It explains the main rules for its use.

The apostrophe (‘) has two main uses – Contraction and Ownership   

Contraction: Short form to write (mostly used while speaking – the shorter version rather than using it while writing – should be avoided)

  • It replaces missing letters when we join words e.g. I can't , I won’t, You couldn’t, etc.
This is known as a contraction. It is short form of can not (can’t),  would not (won’t), could not (could not).
 When contractions are used, the apostrophe replaces the letter or letters that were removed to make a shorter word:
don't  (do not), I'll  (I will), you're (You are)they're  ( they are), It’s (It is), There’s (there is)
 Ownership: Used to own (belong) things or items. Apostrophes are also used to show ownership - they make a word possessive.
 Example: This is daughter’s car.  (This car belongs to my daughter.)
 Some rules to be aware of while using (‘s):
 1. If the word is singular add 's
the student's books - meaning the books belonging to the student.
the boss's armchair; the government's legislation.
2. If the word is a plural but does not end in s add 's :
women's rights - meaning the rights of women.
children's playground - meaning the playground for children;
men's changing rooms - meaning the changing rooms for men.
3. If the word is plural and ends in s just add an apostrophe:
the students' library books - meaning the books belonging to the students.
the ladies' football league; the workers' rights.

Common problems in using apostrophes

The apostrophe is frequently misused. Words that cause particular problems are: its / it's and whose / who's.
Its / it's
Use its when you want to show possession:
the government abandoned its policy.
Its belongs to a group of words that are already possessive. Other examples are: it is hers; it is
yours. These words are already possessive; they do not need apostrophes to indicate possession.
Use it's when you want to shorten it is:
it's a nice day.
It's is a contraction of it is. The apostrophe replaces the missing i.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

work patiently



Use of 'A / An' Article

A / AN is used with countable nouns and NOT with uncountable nouns.

A is used just before the Countable noun with the words which starts with consonant sounds like ball, cat ,book, table, Nose

AN is used just before the Countable noun with the words which starts with the vowel sounds and where the "h" is silent in the starting of the word like An Hour, An umbrella, An eyebrow, An ear. Vowel sound start with - a,e,i,o,u

A and AN are used only with singular and never with plural forms of nouns like eyes, books, tables, umbrellas etc.
Use of 'The' Article

  Article (The) - Article 'The' is used when  talking or mentioning about a particular thing or place.
Example:               The door, the fan, the kitchen, the computer, the tap, the window
                                of a particular room
                                The roof, the garden, the floor, the ceiling of a house

We use                   'The' when it is clear which thing or person we mean - the name,
                                 the time, the game, the  player, etc.
Don't forget             
                                 'The' when mentioning about  'The Mall', 'The City Centre', 'The
                                 Town Hall', 'The nearest Bank'

We do NOT USE  "The":  with Television - I watch television a lot.
                                we can say "Can you turn off the television'  ( The particular
                               Television you are watching)

                                with breakfast / lunch / dinner - When did you have breakfast?
                                Dinner is ready to serve. (not 'The dinner is ready to serve')

                                next / last + week / month / year / summer / Monday etc.
                                I'm not working for last one week
                                Did you have a holiday last winter