Sunday, June 02, 2013


Efficiency: One should be a part of the system by contributing  in taking immediate steps to increase efficiency of the system - the environment in which one is surrounded. Your actions and decisions contribute in making the environment in which one operates and lives - its surrounding - more efficient. One becomes part of the energy of the system as a whole.

This energy is positive or negative as a whole in the system. If your contribution to the system is towards making the system more efficient and effective - it is positive, if on the other hand, it is biased towards individuals, or having a fixed notation about the ideas - meaning that - this is how it should be and it should be done in this way only - one is contributing negatively to the system in which one is surrounded.

So, one has to be flexible in approach to contribute positively to the system or organization.

It is your positive actions which will make others surrounding you and around you to contribute positively and move towards in making positive decisions, and in turn, the whole system moves towards positive direction. Thus, increasing the efficiency of the system as a whole.